


Traditional Ma'di Music of Southern Sudan and Northern Uganda

  • Named after a famous waterfall in Ma'di territory in southern Sudan, this CD features traditional musicians and singers from a growing Ma'di refugee community in Fargo who continue to play music and sing as they make a new life. The CD's ten songs, performed in a call-and-response style, reflect Ma'di culture and history ranging from New Year celebrations to marriage traditions and from British and Arab colonial rule to the current civil war in Sudan. An enhanced CD component includes the traditional story The Friendship Between Hare, Lia, and Leopard, a video of the song Kalendo, as well as maps, song translations with associated cultural notes, and photographs designed to provide a broader context for Ma'di music and culture.
  • The following sound clips are available:
    Track 1, Kinya udii
    Track 9, Kalendo
    Track 10, Oriku
  • A Lyrical Life Folk Art Lesson Plans
  • NDCA documentary:
  • Kalendo is a track and music video from the enhanced CD Achikadidi: Traditional Ma’di Music of Southern Sudan and Northern Uganda produced by the North Dakota Council on the Arts in 2003. The song was a favorite of Ma’di militiamen who fought in the 1980s in Sudan’s civil war. It describes the weariness of war and the desire to return to a life of farming. Watch the YouTube video via this link.