
General Guidelines/Information

General Guidelines/Information

Each grant program has specific eligibility requirements. Read the guidelines thoroughly before starting your application. Contact the program officer with questions.

To be eligible for NDCA funds, applicants must be one of the following:

  • North Dakota State tax-exempt nonprofit arts organization
  • Federally tax-exempt nonprofit arts organization
  • Federally tax-exempt non-arts organizations and community education units - Arts budgets must be isolated from the larger entity’s budget.
  • Public Entity such as a unit of state, local, or tribal government
  • An affiliate arts-presenting or arts-producing organization hosted within a North Dakota 501(c)(3) tax-exempt institution or public institution that meets the requirements of an arts affiliate - An arts affiliate is a distinct program or division within a public or 501(c)(3) nonprofit non-arts organization (such as an arts division of a city or tribal government, a public or nonprofit college or university, or a community service nonprofit) that provides arts programming or services that primarily serve the general public. Arts budgets must be isolated from the larger entity’s budget.
  • An Individual who is 18 years of age or older and a United States citizen or has attained permanent resident status and is a resident of North Dakota. (Exception: Folk and Traditional Arts Apprenticeship Program may allow masters from ND or surrounding states to apply to teach, but the apprentice must be a North Dakota resident and minors with parental consent can apply as apprentices.)

All organizational applicants must: 

  • Be physically located in North Dakota
  • Have the majority of arts programming, services, or activities take place in North Dakota
  • Primarily serve and engage North Dakota audiences and participants

  • Depositing Funds Restriction: Upon receipt, assure that NDCA funds are not deposited or transferred into interest-bearing accounts.
  • Maintaining Records: Grantees are required to maintain all financial records, including substantiating documentation, for three years.
  • SAM UEI: All organizational applicants are required to have a SAM Unique Entity ID. For more information, visit
  • Matching Funds Restriction: Federal funds cannot be used as a match and NDCA funds cannot be used to match federal funds from alternative sources.

NDCA funding may not be used for: 

  • Projects that violate any federal, state, or local laws, ordinances, or policies
  • Projects that support activities that are essentially for the religious socialization of the participants or audience or discriminate against people or groups
  • Projects that attempt to influence any state or federal legislation or appropriation 
  • Projects that are managed by another entity other than the applicant
  • Projects completed in previous fiscal years

Grant funds may not be used for the following expenditures unless otherwise noted in the grant guidelines: 

  • Payment of project costs incurred before the project start date
  • Debt reduction or elimination
  • Replenishing depleted reserve and/or endowment funds
  • Starting, matching, adding to, or completing any type of capital campaign 
  • Capital expenditures
  • Permanent acquisitions 
  • Capital costs, such as improvements, construction, property, equipment costing over $5,000
  • Fundraising events and activities
  • Prizes, awards, or benefits
  • Entertainment functions, including food, beverages, alcohol, and associated costs
  • Fellowships, scholarships, or tuition fees
  • Projects that are part of a required course or curriculum 
  • In-school curriculum projects, unless they have a local, regional, or statewide impact
  • Travel outside of North Dakota 
  • Out-of-state touring performances and exhibitions
  • Projects that will not take place within the geographic boundaries of North Dakota
  • Projects that are not open to the general public  
  • Projects involving the arts as therapy unless artists are employed as art therapists

Grantees are legally responsible for the completion of the project and must expend funds for the project specifically described in the grant application or as amended with written approval by the program officer.

All programs funded by NDCA must be accessible to people with disabilities and in compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA). NDCA assures that all offerings are accessible and works to ensure that meaningful arts experiences are available to all of the state’s citizens, including people with disabilities.

Equal opportunity to participate in and benefit from the programs of the North Dakota Council on the Arts is provided to all individuals regardless of race, national origin, color, sex, age, religion, sexual orientation, or disability in admission, access, or employment.

NDCA reserves the right to amend, reduce, or terminate any grant for non-compliance with the general guidelines, submission of fraudulent or erroneous information, or the loss of anticipated federal or state funding.

North Dakota State Open Records Notice: All materials submitted to the North Dakota Council on the Arts become the property of NDCA and are subject to the North Dakota State Open Record Laws. Any member of the public may request to review, or receive copies of, any information that an applicant provides to NDCA.