STEAM TEAM Final Project 2016:
- Pyramids on the Prairie, Jamestown Arts Center, Jamestown, ND
Teacher Incentive Grant Projects:
- Makey Makey STEAM Project, Cathedral Grade School, Bismarck, ND
- Sand to Rainbows, Jamestown Arts Center, Jamestown, ND
- Photography and Social Studies, Solheim Elementary, Bismarck, ND
The following documentaries were produced by the North Dakota Council on the Arts in partnership with Prairie Public Broadcasting, the Bush Foundation, and the Spirit Room Gallery. Four lesson plans (one pre, two while viewing, and one post viewing) for teachers and students are associated with each documentary. The lesson plans are based on the North Dakota Department of Public Instruction’s Standards and Benchmarks. Schools and teachers are encouraged also to utilize these documentaries, lesson plans, and featured artists themselves with the NDCA’s Artist-in-Residence and/or Teacher Incentive grant programs.
The Struggle and Hope of South Sudan (approximately 26 minutes): This documentary introduces people to the culture, history, music, and dance of the Ma’di people of southern Sudan and northern Uganda. Through three traditional songs, the issues associated with the struggle of South Sudan are revealed; centuries-old conflicts over religion, slavery, race, genocide, displacement, war, and refugee status. “Hope” refers to the reconciliation process taking place in Africa and in America in places like North Dakota where the featured musicians now live.
Lesson plans with Benchmarks and Standards for Grades 9-12: English Language Arts, Social Studies, and Music,
Kalendo is a track and music video from the enhanced CD Achikadidi: Traditional Ma’di Music of Southern Sudan and Northern Uganda produced by the North Dakota Council on the Arts in 2003. The song was a favorite of Ma’di militiamen who fought in the 1980s in Sudan’s civil war. It describes the weariness of war and the desire to return to a life of farming. Watch the YouTube video via this link.
Turtle and Pretty Crane (approximately 9 minutes): This documentary features renowned Mandan and Hidatsa storyteller and flute player Keith Bear from Drags Wolf Village on the Forth Berthold Indian Reservation of north-western North Dakota. The traditional story told is included also in greater detail on the NDCA produced CD Morning Star Whispered. The narrative is described by Keith as an American Indian “Romeo and Juliet.” plans with Benchmarks and Standards for Grades 9-12: Music, English Language Arts, and Social Studies,
The Woman Who Turned Herself to Stone (approximately 6 minutes): This documentary features nationally-award winning, renowned Dakotah and Hidatsa storyteller Mary Louise Defender Wilson from the Standing Rock Indian Reservation of south-central North Dakota. The traditional story told is included also in greater detail on the NDCA produced CD The Elders Speak. The narrative describes what happens to a young girl who dearly loves nature and who helps people to this day.
Lesson plans with Benchmarks and Standards for Grades 4-8: English Language Arts and Social Studies,
Cultural Treasures of Armenia (approximately 10 minutes): The exquisite metal repoussé artistry and life experiences of Norik Astvatsaturov, formerly of Baku, Azerbaijan, now an American citizen in Wahpeton, North Dakota, reflect in microcosm the history and culture of Armenia. Armenia is an ancient country in Eurasia’s mountainous Transcaucasian region within an area often referred to as the ‘Cradle of Civilization.’ Because of its position as a crossroads between East and West, Christian and Muslim, Armenia’s existence is marked throughout by turbulent occupation and persecution stemming, in part, from cultural and religious intolerance. Lesson plans with Benchmarks and Standards for Grades 9-12: Visual Arts, English Language Arts, and Social Studies,
Online lesson plans for The Blue Heron Who Stayed for the Winter from the enhanced CD My Relatives Say: Traditional Dakotah Stories as Told by Mary Louise Defender Wilson: This teacher’s guide will introduce your students to the stories, legends, culture and language of renowned storyteller Mary Louise Defender Wilson and the Dakotah tribe. The narrative describes what happens to a blue heron who struggles with the dangerous winter conditions of the Northern Great Plains while other species of birds rally their own unique skills to help the blue heron survive. Four lesson plans (one pre, two while listening, and one post listening) for teachers and students are associated with the story. The lesson plans are based on the North Dakota Department of Public Instruction’s Standards and Benchmarks. Schools and teachers are encouraged also to utilize this enhanced CD, lesson plans, and featured artist with the NDCA’s Artist-in-Residence and/or Teacher Incentive grant programs. For information on Artist-in-Residence and Teacher Incentive visit; or Lesson plans with Benchmarks and Standards for Grades K-6: English Language Arts and Social Studies,
For more information on the CD and to hear a sample of the story visit the online store.